Thermo-EFx™ 60 kapslar
Thermo-EFx ™ innehåller naringin, citrus aurantium, gröntte extrakt, citrus bioflavonoider. Dessa antioxidantrika föreningar som finns i grapefrukt och många andra citrusfrukter,
hjälper till att stödja hälsosam fettmetabolism.
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Thermo-EFx ™ innehåller naringin, citrus aurantium, gröntte extrakt, citrus bioflavonoider. Dessa antioxidantrika föreningar som finns i grapefrukt och många andra citrusfrukter
hjälper till att stödja hälsosam fettmetabolism. Forskning visar att dessa bioflavonoider fungerar tillsammans för att stödja de termogena effekterna av p-synefrin.
Rekommenderad dos
1 kapsel 2 gånger dagligen.
Kvalitet är Designs for Health främsta prioritet - "se länk"
Forskningsstudier referenser
Seaweed carotenoid, fucoxanthin, as a multi-functional nutrient. Maeda H, Tsukui T, Sashima T, Hosokawa M, Miyashita K. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 2008;17 Suppl 1:196-9. PMID:18296336
Fucoxanthin and its metabolite, fucoxanthinol, suppress adipocyte differentiation in 3T3-L1 cells. Maeda H, Hosokawa M, Sashima T, Takahashi N, Kawada T, Miyashita K. Int J Mol Med. 2006 Jul;18(1):147-52. PMID:16786166
The hypoglycemic effects of hesperidin and naringin are partly mediated by hepatic glucose-regulating enzymes in C57BL/KsJ-db/db mice. Jung UJ, Lee MK, Jeong KS, Choi MS. J Nutr. 2004 Oct;134(10):2499-503. PMID:15465737
Naringenin and hesperetin, two flavonoids derived from Citrus aurantium up-regulate transcription of adiponectin. Liu L, Shan S, Zhang K, Ning ZQ, Lu XP, Cheng YY. Phytother Res. 2008 Oct;22(10):1400-3. doi: 10.1002/ptr.2504. PMID:18690615
The effects of Xanthigen in the weight management of obese premenopausal women with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and normal liver fat. Abidov M, Ramazanov Z, Seifulla R, Grachev S. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2010 Jan;12(1):72-81. doi: 10.1111/j.1463-1326.2009.01132.x. Epub 2009 Oct 13. PMID:19840063
Xanthigen suppresses preadipocyte differentiation and adipogenesis through down-regulation of PPARγ and C/EBPs and modulation of SIRT-1, AMPK, and FoxO pathways. Lai CS, Tsai ML, Badmaev V, Jimenez M, Ho CT, Pan MH. J Agric Food Chem. 2012 Feb 1;60(4):1094-101. doi: 10.1021/jf204862d. Epub 2012 Jan 17. PMID:222249712
Fucoxanthin-rich seaweed extract suppresses body weight gain and improves lipid metabolism in highfat-fed C57BL/6J mice. Jeon SM, Kim HJ, Woo MN, Lee MK, Shin YC, Park YB, Choi MS. Biotechnol J. 2010 Sep;5(9):961-9. doi: 10.1002/biot.201000215.PMID:20845386
Effect of medium-chain triacylglycerols on anti-obesity effect of fucoxanthin. Maeda H, Hosokawa M, Sashima T, Funayama K, Miyashita K. J Oleo Sci. 2007;56(12):615-21. PMID:17992001
Dietary combination of fucoxanthin and fish oil attenuates the weight gain of white adipose tissue and decreases blood glucose in obese/diabetic KK-Ay mice. Maeda H, Hosokawa M, Sashima T, Miyashita K. J Agric Food Chem. 2007 Sep 19;55(19):7701-6. Epub 2007 Aug 23.PMID:17715888
Fucoxanthin from edible seaweed, Undaria pinnatifida, shows antiobesity effect through UCP1 expression in white adipose tissues. Maeda H, Hosokawa M, Sashima T, Funayama K, Miyashita K. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2005 Jul 1;332(2):392-7.PMID:15896707
The allenic carotenoid fucoxanthin, a novel marine nutraceutical from brown seaweeds. Miyashita K, Nishikawa S, Beppu F, Tsukui T, Abe M, Hosokawa M. J Sci Food Agric. 2011 May;91(7):1166-74. doi: 10.1002/jsfa.4353. Epub 2011 Mar 23. Review.PMID:21433011
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